SKY IS THE LIMIT: AIGP Edward Ochom Celebrates the Investigator Wonderful 60 Days of Existence, Declares Us in the Lead as our Viewership Threatens to Hit 400,000 this Weekend and Most Read Story Garners 16,000+

12th, April 2013
LIKE THIS SIR: Ndawula guides AIGP Ochom through the site as Nasher looks on

Today April 12th 2013 marks two months of The Investigator birth since it opened doors on February 12th and to celebrate with us was Mr. Edward Ochom, the Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) who declared us in the lead already.

At the working mini-function held at our newsroom at Raja Chambers, Ochom was welcomed by the GIA Investments (U) Ltd Managing Director (MD) Zainab Nasher who ushered him into the newsroom to meet The Investigator Editorial Director Mr. Stanley Ndawula. GIA Investments is Mother Company of The Investigator with over 60% shares.

Zainab and Ndawula took Ochom through the site products before he swore that he hasn’t seen and or heard of a serious Ugandan online paper like The Investigator. “Honestly speaking, I have been hearing about your paper over the radios and elsewhere. At one time I sent for it, thinking it is a print paper but it could not be found on the streets,” he confessed.

The soft spoken former Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Directorate (CIID) boss said the works of The Investigator represents the tabloid name. “I am impressed by your efforts to live by the letter of your name. Now that I know, I promise I will be your ardent reader because it seems you’re now in the lead,” he said.

Ochom’s ‘lead’ statement came after he read several stories that he has lately seen in the print media and or heard on radios. It downed on him that those stories have been sourced from our site, though without attribution. “I pray for you that you ‘grow’ into a street newspaper because if you’re already leading them, then the sky seems the limit for you.”

The police boss was also overwhelmed by the 381,913 viewership the site has attracted in a space of just two months. Justifying the figures, Mr. Ndawula explained that the most read story has attracted over sixteen thousand viewership and the least among the nine most read has 9604 so far. “We intend to pursue more viewership and it is the reason we work around the clock, investigating stories, however small it can be. Even our gossip stories are gospel truth,” he said.

MD Nasher lastly introduced The Investigator team (Team Investigator) editorial members whose brainy input is the force behind the ‘extraordinary’ growth. They include Ndawula (Editorial Director), Perry Praise (Editor), Jacko D. Waluluka (Investigations and society), Grace Hannington (Society and general news) and Fred Daka Kamwada, the celebrated political analyst and social critic. In the field is Samuel Ouga, the seasoned regional affairs writer among others. Long live The Investigator               


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