TERRORISM EXCLUSIVE: Security at Kyaddondo Rugby Grounds Has Confirmed Three People Were Arrested with Bombs at the Successfully Organised and Massively Attended Jose Chameleon’s Badilisha Launch On Friday, Here we Name Them

29th, April 2013
THE TRUTH: Okello speaking to The Investigator's Jacko D. Waluluka, describing the explosives as the ones inset

We have impeccably established that three and not two middle-aged terror elements namely Rashid Mukiibi, Dauglas Kasirye and Remmy Mubiru, disguising as Fireworks providers were Friday arrested at the successfully attended Badilisha Launch of singer Jose Chameleon.  

Yesterday evening on our Facebook page, we exclusively broke the ugly story, attracting equally ugly invectives, probably from the celebrated artist’s fans. Interestingly, we had the information as early as 7:30pm on Friday. But because people were still entering the show, and being sure the would-be deadly situation had been successfully arrested, we held the story for the sake of a successful do.  

Inspired by the insults from the said fans, events security expert; Dixon Okello aka James Bond, the man who manned security at the launch, called in to confirm our story. “You guys (The Investigator) always tell the truth and I don’t like it when you’re mobbed for reporting the facts. I will come to your protection tomorrow,” Okello said yesterday. Indeed, he came in this afternoon and below, he recounts.  

Okello Speaks

It was approaching 7pm when the two guys came in. But it is important to note that security was tight. We had prior had several security meetings, involving Counterterrorism officials, regular police, CMI and other Intelligence gathering experts. All suspicious entries, including the backstage were therefore secured. 

The guys were putting on Fireworks jackets and carrying backpacks. It is a policy that every sort of luggage is screened. In one of the bags, we found the extra-ordinary explosives. I say ‘Extra-ordinary’ because they are not the normal consumer-grade fireworks. About 10,000 people had already entered and many were checking in so, we whisked them out of the vicinity.

They claimed they were at the function for fireworks services but shockingly, further search recovered a remote control. Firstly, fireworks do not use remote controls and secondly, like I said, their gadgets were far beyond acceptable fireworks devices. Thirdly, I was the security in-charge and well aware that no performance of fireworks was expected and even Balamu (the event organiser) was green about the same.

We handed them over to the police but it was kept among a few concerned people, to avoid a stampede. I am not a security spokesperson so I can’t authoritatively dwell into the details but one thing for sure, the two were arrested and in custody somewhere.  

Other sources

For further confirmation, we contacted Police chief mouthpiece Judith Nabakooba who neither confirmed, nor refuted the story. “No information is what she texted us in response to our previous call. But inner sources confirmed the arrests, saying it is simply being kept out of the public knowledge because Intelligence suspects there are accomplices still at large.

Efforts to reach the Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) commandant Andrew Felix Kaweesi, who also attended the launch, were futile as our calls went unanswered. Any details on the matter will flow as it enters in.   

Why no alert

Last week, Police top boss Lt. Gen. Kale Kayihura issued a statement on the terror threat. But he hastily restrained the public from panicking and hence this could have been the reason police and the entire security was reluctant to alert the public of the situation that had already been arrested.

In his statement, Kayihura said; "Otherwise, the above measures notwithstanding, we call upon members of the public not to panic because that is what the terrorists want. You should go about your business, normally, only more alert, and security conscious. Together we shall prevail.”        


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