MWEBAZE CHEATS DEATH: Elusive Sexy TV Star and Musician Emily Mwebaze Escapes a Near Fatal Accident when She Opted for a Head-on Collision Instead of the less-cared for Pupils as She Rushed for ‘Kabagambe’ Video Shoot

22nd, April 2013
SURVIVOR: Emily before crushing her car

She could have been quiet for a period of time.   But the UBC TV charming news anchor Emily Mwebaze a.k.a Kikazi would be history now!

At some point we thought she had quit her music until last week when she was involved in a terrible accident in Bukoto where she rammed into an IPSUM. We established she was rushing to the video-shoot location when she tried to dodge two pupils, smashing the entire front of her Mercedes Benz, UAM ...88T.

The western music artist, well known for her quality audio and videos compared to other western artists was going to shoot the video of her latest song ‘Kabagambe’ which was released last week.

Had it not been the eyewitnesses’ who rather praised Emily for saving the tots and opted for a head-on corrosion, the IPSUM guy would have charged her a hefty amount. She instead coughed Shs0.5m before being whisked away by a man who came in a Pajero after she made frantic phone calls.

Pals tell us that Emily left home on Friday last week for the salon to have final touches done on her hair for the video shoot. While from the Salon to the location, Emily’s journey was cut short by the accident. The shoot was postponed to Saturday. Emily has been doing music for passion but she says she is set out for commercial music this year.

Emily’s accident comes after she changed her facebook profile from married to single. Unlike other artists who move with friends or in groups, one wonders why she ever moves alone. She has lived a ‘silent love’ life. On a ‘lighter’ note; Emily is one of the celebs who, even when known to be married, last stepped out with the husband in 2010 at PAM awards. One wonders whether she is just a very submissive woman or her marriage is non-existent! But this is for another day…  



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