JUDICIARY EXCLUSIVE: Panic Grips State House and Judicial System vide Attempts to renew the ‘Over-aged’ Chief Justice Benjamin Odoki’s Term as the Most Learned Legal Guru scoops a Mouth-watering Deal in South Africa.

29th, April 2013
TRICKY MOMENTS: President Museveni wishes CJ Odoki (L) should remain after retirement

Close to two months since Chief Justice Benjamin Odoki clocked the retirement age of 70yrs, the Judicial Service Commission Chairman, Justice James Munange Ogoola is yet to advertise the top-most position in Uganda’s judicial system.   

We have landed on vital information that Ogoola’s delay to advertise the position is a deliberate move as State House legal officials have directives to find means of how changes can be made in order to retain Odoki whom, intelligence gathered, has already been booked by South African authorities for legal expertise contract.  

The conundrum however, is that Odoki made the same constitution that demands his move after clocking 70yrs. The twelfth CJ, His Worship the Honourable Mr. Benjamin Odoki had his retirement date clock on mid-night March 22nd 2013. And he is meant to fully leave office on June 23rd 2013, hence his position should by this time, have been advertised and a list of shortlisted before the President.

“The President is reluctant to have him go and that is the reason his position is still intact. Intelligence reads that he (Odoki) will be leaving for South Africa early May, meaning there will not be a CJ for a whole month,” our inner source intimated. To make matters even worse, if CJ ‘pre-maturely’ throws in the towel, there is not even a substantial Deputy to take the mantle.

Following the death of Justice Constance Byamugisha last month, then Acting Deputy Chief Justice DCJ, Justice Stephen Kavuma picked the DCJ robe, but in acting position as well. This means if Odoki moves out, not only his position but also that of the Deputy will have no substantive replacements. “The President is in dire need to have Odoki retained because though 70yrs, he is still of sound mind and that is the reason South Africa is picking him on,” offered our source further.        

The situation sounds quite tricky as President Museveni is rumoured to be in advanced stages of convincing the Busia born Odoki. But the old cum strong and still brainy legal mind is reported to be reluctant, given the fact that he made the very constitution that demands he leaves at 70yrs. Watch this space




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