DOUBLE ORGASM: I Can Forgive You for Calling me Names But That’s Me and This Time Round, I laid the Friendly Stranger who Helped me Fix My Naughty Tyre as I headed for a Crazy Celebration Night…

29th, April 2013

My last merchandise shipment had arrived two weeks ago but it was proving impossible to have my cargo cleared at the airport. I made about three trips to Entebbe but they were not fruitful. The fourth time I went there is when I finally managed to get my stuff cleared and I left in a rather jovial mood.

My plan was to get to Kampala and get a cab to my favourite bar to celebrate. However shortly after I had left Entebbe town, I got a flat tyre. This was a minor setback and I wasn't going to let it spoil my rather good mood. I was so determine to make it back to the city very early that I almost got down to change the tyre myself.

Thankfully, a car stopped and this guy walked out. He had the rugged handsome look that is hard to describe but I was glad he was there and wasn’t really in the good to analyse what he looked like. 10 minutes later, I knew his name was George and my tyre was changed. I told him about my plans and after exchanging numbers he promised to join me later on that night. I got home and changed into a short black sequin dress and just before I called for a cab, George called.

I didn't want to drive because I intended to get wasted that night and didn't want the Kafuuwemu guys to spoil my night. George offered to pick me up and 30 minutes later he was at my door. He hugged me when I opened the door for him and even opened the car door for me. I was really impressed by his gentlemanly ways especially because he had not struck me as that type. He drove to the bar and I ordered for a double scotch on the rocks.

I took it in a matter of minutes and George ordered for a whole bottle. I drank myself silly and George seemed to be enjoying every move I made. He wasn't drinking so I let loose as I was sure I was going to make it home safe. After a fun-filled night I staggered to the car and George literally had to help me in and strap me into my seat. We got home and I have no idea how I made it up those stairs but he somehow managed to get me into my apartment in one piece.

He carried me to my bed and he tried to tuck me in, I put my arms around him and kissed him. I was drunk but then I was shocked when he didn't hesitate and kissed me back. He kicked off his shoes and got on top of me and threw off the covers. He planted small lingering kisses on my lips, down to the neck, then all the way to my legs. He took my dress off and my bare breast stood with their hard nipples staring him straight in the face.

He took one nipple in his mouth as he caressed the other. A soft moan escaped through my lips. He knelt between my legs and took off my French panties before kissing my swirilili. His tongue went deeper into me and probed all the corners, making me moan and squirm. He took off his clothes and I told him to pick a condom from my side drawer which he quickly did and put it on. He then entered my already throbbing swirilili as I moaned with pleasure.

His wire was warm and the warmth intensified with each thrust. I shoved a pillow under my butt, arching my back. George was skilled at handling a woman and when I was almost cuming, he turned me to my side and held one leg up. He supported himself with one hand and entered me again, pumping away at my pot like he was possessed.

He soon started hissing and groaning and we finally both came. He grunted as I bit into the pillow to stop myself from screaming out loud. George spent the night and has stayed in touch. I can tell he wants a repeat of our erotic nyt but I do not do retakes when it comes to men.

Till Thursday, stay naughty. Always, Bad Angel


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