TITANS’ YORIYORI BATTLE: Gen. Salim Saleh’s ‘Daughter’ Aisha Kirabo Saleh is trapped in a Man-Snatching Debacle with an Equally Strong and Cute City Business Lady Tina Sseruzzi

23rd, April 2013
AT WAR: Aisha (L) and Tina

She is popularly known, and or has successfully branded herself as the feared General Caleb Akandwanaho aka Salim Saleh’s daughter, a sort we don’t want to believe here.

But loaded Aisha Kirabo ‘Saleh,’ isn’t a simple lady either. She is currently engaged in a tag-of-war with Tina Sseruzzi, a first class female garments’ dealer who, accuses her of trapping her man, Fredrick Sseruzzi in her thigh-land region for five months now.   

A resident of Munyonyo and mother of three, Kirabo features in a police case, vide file number   SD 61/08/02/12 of Central Police Station (CPS) Kampala. In the threatening violence case, whose prime suspect is Tina’s thirteen year-long husband Fredrick Sseruzzi, the fashion lady attributes her plight to Kirabo whom she accuses of facilitating the violence towards her.

Sseruzzi is accused along with his nine siblings who, Tina indict of ganging in their Kabuusu-Rubaga premised marital home, with high plans of evicting her. But she says this is done vide life-threatening measure including among others, attempts of rape, burning and all thumping her to death. “I have no reason to doubt their potential to hurt me because they are well facilitated and protected through Kirabo,” Tina recorded.

But the delayed justice thanks to CPS Cops’ dragging of their feet, this afternoon prompted her to draw the attention of the Police Headquarters’ Family Protection Unit from where; she attracted her husband’s attention when the no-nonsense female Cops summoned him in a flash. Our insider pries said that the estranged Sseruzzi blankly told Cops that he could neither drag his wife, or his siblings, all of them above 24 years, out of the marital home.

According to Tina’s statement, Sseruzzi, a big-name transport guru in town and Kirabo have funded and promised protection to her in-laws if only they can throw her out of the marital home. She claims Kirabo, whom she brands a man-snatcher, used lots of dimes and fake promises to steal her husband. “She promised him that her ‘dad’ Saleh was taking over the city’s public transportation and she promised him a big job in the company,” Tina states.

Who is Kirabo?

She is popularly known to be Saleh’s daughter. She owns Aisha Events, a string of boutiques around town, reported to have apartments in Munyonyo and Muyenga. She is also popular at Kabuusu based Wallet Pub where she showers musicians and her fans money in a style one can be excused to think she mints it.

She is a mother of three, all with her Ex-lover-man Dick Kabali. Like we said above, we don’t believe her claims to be Saleh’s daughter. What we gather is that she is daughter to the fallen Banker Suleiman Kiggundu who was Salim Saleh’s known friend. It is said after Kiggundu’s demise, she approached Saleh, complaining about being side-lined by her relatives via the deceased’s property share.    

General Saleh is known to have picked up on her and helped her become self-reliant, hence giving her a ground to address self as his daughter. But family sources have intimated that Saleh himself is uncomfortable with Kirabo’s impersonation character and has reportedly warned her to stop it henceforth but to no success. Watch this space.  




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