19th, December 2012
Uganda's Untapped Potential

The tourism industry is one of the leading industries inUganda and many of the east African countries but the budget allocated to the sector especially in Uganda is very minimal for sustainable competitiveness the sector.

Uganda has both fauna and flora to attract many of the touristsfrom different parts of the world but the infrastructure and the guidance limits a number of tourists opt for other regional destinations other than Uganda. 

Kenya is one of the regional countries with significant investments into tourism and earns significantly from the trade yet its tourism basket is not well endowed as Uganda. But even the Uganda tourism opt for Kenya because conveniences and well developed supportive structures in place

It is high time Uganda took advantage of its natural endowed tourism opportunities otherwise with Kenya taking the lead in the sector earnings it is not a bout to relax and being taken over by any other regional destination.
The adventure youth a small group of youths with a niche in touring the most adventurous places in the world have established a platform for who can afford to take advantage of the world beauty and surprises.    T

he youth target the school going population as the main clientele and have been able to spot the most admirable tourist destinations in Kenya where they spent two weeks.