Information officer detained after failing to justify money sent on his account

23rd, January 2013
Information officer at the prime ministers� office Muhinda Apollo faces PAC

The information officer at the prime ministers� office Muhinda Apollo has been handed over to the CID officers for more interrogation after failing to account for the money posted on his personal account.

Appearing timid before the parliamentary public accounts committee, Apollo just failed to give any clarified information about his obligation visa vie the money posted on his personal account. He was tasked to account for over three billion shillings he requisitioned for in the last financial year.

The public accounts committee probe into the office of the prime minister continues to grill more individuals whose accounts received public money. 

Apollo Muhinda the information officer at the office of the prime minister has appeared before the probe committee but could not clearly coordinate his answers to the questions directed to him.

This prompted the probe committee to hand him over to criminal investigation officers for further questioning.

Apollo is said to have requested for 22 million shillings as advance to monitor the activities in northern Uganda but failed to avail  any accountability. He submitted a written document with no date, some thing the committee refused to take. 

He also failed to account for the 88 million shillings he requested for, saying he used the money to hire cameras.

Meanwhile before Apollo was grilled, the Mps grilled Mweru Samuel the public relations officer of Uganda veteran�s board under the officer of the prime minister over the same issue.

Samuel told the committee that huge amounts   were deposited on his account but later returned to principal accountant Geoffrey Kazinda.

He says he only requested for 95 million which he accounted for but never provided the requisition form. 

He also received 97 million on the 16th of March 2011, on his personal account without his consent but returned it on kazinda�s orders.

No documents to justify the submissions were provided to the effect

The committee ordered him to go   back and bring a bank statement and an acknowledgment letter from Kazinda to confirm the alleged transactions.