MP Nsereko to sue government for arrest and detension

1st, January 2013
Muhammed Nsereko

Fresh from a week-long stint in a Tororo prison, outspoken Kampala Central MP Muhammad Nsereko is vowing to sue government for wrongful arrest and detention.

The MP was arrested last Monday for allegedly inciting violence at the funeral of Butaleja Woman MP Cerinah Nebanda. Nsereko is also promising to write a book soon to narrate what he says is a heart rending experience in prison and police cells.    

On Monday morning, Kampala Central MP Muhammad Nsereko was released on bail by Tororo Chief Magistrate Charles Emuria. The controversial ruling NRM party MP was arrested from his home in Old Kampala after a standoff of nearly eight-hours. He later spent a week in detention, first at the Police Special Investigations Unit in Kireka, Kampala and later Morukatipe Prison in Tororo. He was charged with inciting violence at the funeral of Butaleja Woman MP Cerinah Nebanda at her ancestral home.

Speaking to NBS TV from his residence, Nsereko promised to work even harder to pursue the right of thousands of Ugandans who he found languishing on remand or in police cells without trial. The MP is bitter that he was also detained for over 48 hours without trail, in violation of the constitution.

Saying he would not give away much in the interview, the youthful legislator who has been labeled a rebel  MP of the ruling NRM party promises to write book soon to chronicle his jail experience and his role in politics generally. He feels chapter on the journey from the Kireka police cells to the Tororo prison and the condition of prisoners would be telling.     

On whether he incited violence at Nebanda's funeral, the MP says he did nothing wrong and pleaded not guilty in court. He sees the charges as part of political persecution critical voices by the regime to silence them.

In his New Year message, Nsereko foresees doom ahead. He advises Ugandans to tighten their belts since they will see more decline in the economy and political oppression more than ever before.