The military is ready to take over

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The Chief of Defense Forces, Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, has warned politicians against antagonizing government programmes that often compromise the country�s security. Aronda was referring to the recent comment by President Museveni that the army will take over if politicians continue misbehaving and dishonoring the parliament. 

Gen. Aronda Nyakairima says that he has not received any official orders from the Commander in Chief for the military to take over government, but as a Chief of Defense Forces, he has put the military and all the armed forces on alert in case such orders come.

Aronda re-echoed the country�s violent history and hinted that some selfish politicians were interested in seeing Uganda drawn back into chaos. To him the military cannot tolerate such.

He was addressing a press conference at the Ministry of Defense Headquarters in Mbuya. 

On 26 January the country will celebrate liberation day and a week later, the armed forces will remember the historical day they launched an armed liberation struggle against the Obote led government. 

Aronda  also announced that the armed forces will be launching an army week, starting on 28th January, two days before  the country celebrates the liberation day. The activities will include: communal work, safe male circumcision, lessons on preservation of Uganda�s history, free HIV testing and they will run for three weeks.

 On the issues of regional security, Aronda confirmed the killing of Brigadier Binani, Kony�s top officer. Aronda said that the hunt for Kony is still on and the army is not about to  rest until he is captured