Mavado December show off

28th, December 2012

The Jamaican gangster for life Movado will not be performing at Lugogo cricket oval this December as earlier scheduled. The Jamaican star has sent apologies to Uganda funs promising a more lively show next month .The two Jamaicans will be coming to east Africa for the first time.

The Jamaican Dance hall super stars Movado and Chris Martins who had been scheduled to perform in Kampala on the 29th of this month are off until next month. The Mavado concert that had pulled a lot of expectations from Ugandan fun makers has been called off  because of some mix up in the gang star travel preparations.

 The   concert organized by the Uganda breweries Bell lager is expected to pull the same crowd  at a later  date in January next year .

The tickets that had been earlier bought remain valid for the later date though according to the main sponsors, only the premiums and the complementary tickets had been sold off.

The Uganda Breweries Bell lager had planned to introduce its caned bell product the first of its kind here during the Mavodo December show at Lugogo Cricket Oval.

 The bell leger bosses promise the funs to expect the more fun as the January concert draws in