Fallen MP boyfriend Adam Kalungi arrested in Kenya

4th, January 2013
dam Suleiman Kalungi

Police could have made a major breakthrough in investigating the death of Butaleja Woman MP Cerinah Nebanda.

This follows the arrest of Adam Suleiman Kalungi, the alleged boyfriend to the deceased legislator who reportedly abandoned her either dead or in a critical condition in a Kampala Hospital on the fateful day.

In a statement released early Friday morning, Inspector General of Police, Lt. Gen. Kale Kayihura said Kenya Police arrested the fugitive Kalungi from Mombasa.

As Remmy Bahati reports, Kalungi was handed over to Uganda police earlier today at Malaba border post in Tororo District, eastern Uganda.

Adam Sulaiman Kalungi, who is said to have been the boyfriend of the late Butaleja Woman MP Cerinah Nebanda has been a highly wanted man since the night of 14th December 2012 when the MP died under mysterious circumstances.

Kalungi was reportedly one of two men who allegedly rushed to Mukwaya Hospital in Nsambya, a Kampala suburb with a dead or critically ill Nebanda.

The men are said to have abandoned the legislator and her car at the hospital and fled. The Uganda Police later declared Kalungi a key suspect in connection with the MP�s death and put him on a wanted list which was circulated to the International Police, Interpol.

But the hunt seemed to have ended this morning. According to Deputy Director of the Police Criminal Intelligence and Investigations Directorate Godfrey Musana Kalungi was arrested earlier today in Mombasa by Kenya Police.

He was subsequently handed over to Uganda police at the Malaba border post in Tororo District, eastern Uganda and transferred to the Police Special Investigations Unit in Kireka near Kampala.

In an interaction with journalists, Deputy Police spokesperson Vincent Sekatte said Kalungi�s arrest would undoubtedly provide key clues to help investigations into MP Nebanda�s death since he was the last person to see Nebanda alive.

The duo reportedly met at Kalungi�s home in Buziga, a Kampala suburn that fateful evening. But Sekatte was cagey on what charges would be preferred against Kalungi.

Earlier, journalists were kept waiting for about three hours at the Police Special investigations Unit to interact with Kalungi.

Inspector General of Police Lt. Gen. Kale Kayihura was also Kireka but declined to talk to the media before interrogating Kalungi. Even after the two hours he had promised to say a word he again refused to talk to eager journalists.

Similarly, despite incessant prodding from nosy journalists, police did not allow Kalungi to talk to the media, perhaps to protect him from incriminating himself.

This arrest comes on the backdrop of what promises to be apolitical showdown between the legislature and the executive after Nebanda�s death.

A group of MPs is collecting signatures seeking a recall of the house from recess to discuss the controversy surrounding their colleague�s mysterious death.