Obama Swearing in Yesterday

21st, January 2013
Obama in a private swearing-in ceremony yesterday.

The public swearing-in for President Barack Obama takes place today in a ceremony that starts at 5:30PM (Ugandan Time).
Obama was officially sworn in Sunday but for many the president's second term really begins after the public ceremony Monday on the Capitol Hill stage and the parade to the White House.
Obama will be sworn in by Chief Justice John G. Roberts on two Bibles: one from President Lincoln and the other from the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who championed the rights for Black people in America.
Among those performing in the roughly  three-hour event will be James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson and Beyoncé, who will sing the National Anthem.
A luncheon for roughly 200 guests will be served inside the Capitol Building before the parade to the White House begins.
The president, after attending two official balls, also will return to work trying to build on a first term highlighted by his signature health-care legislation and stymied at times by congressional Republicans and the problematic economy that he inherited.

Obama's first four years are highlighted by him getting Congress to pass the comprehensive health-care reform that he signed into law in 2010 and  ending the hunt in 2011 for 9-11 terrorist Osama bin laden, who was found and killed by U.S. special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
In addition, he repealed the 1990s-era "don't ask, don't tell" policy, allowing for gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. military.
He also signed into law the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid the worst recession since the Great Depression. More recently, Obama suspended deportation for younger illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. by their parents.
Top Obama adviser David Plouffe on Sunday outlined the president's second-year agenda and suggested the president's speech Monday would touch on the idea of "finding common ground" with the Republican party