Kampala City Yange engages Kisaakate youths

20th, January 2013
Kampala City Yange crew and Ekisaakaate crew cleaning a trench

The Kampala City Yange initiative, a monthly cleanup campaign, has joined hands with the Nnaabagareka Foundation.

This, in an effort to engage more young people to keep their environment clean. Every year, the Nnabagareka Foundation holds a camp, referred to as the Ekisaakate where young people are taught practical life skills and community values.

The City Yange team visited the Ekisaakate at Trinity College Nabbingo. 

These youngsters now on holiday from different schools are participating in the Annual Ekisaakate with this year's camp here at Trinity College Nabbingo in Wakiso district.

The Kampala City Yange Initiative moved out of the city to Nabbingo and cleaned the town with the Ekisaakate participants.

The call to residents here was to embrace community work with the hope that this will be emulated across the country.

Busiro East MP Medard Lubega Ssegona in whose constituency this area lies, lauded Kampala City Yange promoters for engaging young people. He says if the young generation embraces community work at an early age, it will have an impact on national development.

Indeed Kampala City Yange is putting more emphasis on young people like these ones to inculcate the need to keep clean in their formative years.

One of the directors of Kampala City Yange Richard Kaweesa says in the New Year their appeal to communities is to keep their areas clean.

The net effect of this will be the prevention of disease associated with poor hygiene like diarrhoea and cholera