ADIOUS: DJ Momo’s Last Funeral Rites to be Held on Sunday at His Mother’s Residence In Nyanama As The Family Waits For People and Several Organisations to Honour Their Pledges

13th, June 2013
DJ Momo passed on in May

The family of the fallen veteran DJ Moses Nsereko aka Dj  Momo  has announced that it will hold his last funeral rites(Duwa) on Sunday. Momo passed on 3rd May at an  Indian hospital where he had been rushed for a gallstone operation.

In typical Islamic fashion, one’s last funeral rites are supposed to be held forty days after their passing and our pries have been reliably informed that DJ Momo’s Duwa will take place at his mother’s residence in Nyanama.

A source close to the family has also informed us that an heir will be announced on the same day.

However our source tells us that it will not be a piece of cake as the immediate family has been bickering over the deceased’s property.

Momo is survived by his widow Hazel and two children. The widow is also currently struggling to meet the children’s daily up keep and school fees as she too has been struggling to get back on her feet after her husband’s demise.

The good news however is that several people and organizations pledged to chip in and help support DJ Momo’s young family.


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