BESIEGED MAYORSHIP: President M7 Experts, Parliament, Jennifer Musisi & KCCA Councillors’ Mega Plot to further De-ball Lord Mayor Lukwago of Powers Leaks

21st, May 2013
NOT AT EASE: Lukwago and his 'tomentor' Musisi

Following a parliamentary committee resolution, seeking to grant President Yoweri Museveni sweeping powers over Kampala city, effectively sending home Erias Lukwago, we can reveal the Mayor is on the verge of collapsing.

As it’s always with us, we scooped and now hereby break the well-thought tricks that may see Lukwago waving goodbye to City Hall, if the son of Kaguta and his team get their way at the end of the day.


We understand President Museveni had let Lukwago be, believing he had effectively chopped his powers and rendering him a figure Lord Mayor. But the big man seems to have since changed his rules of the game.

Why? Sevo did so, after Lukwago resoundingly defeated his preferred KCCA boss Jennifer Musisi in the taxi-men case. In the case, Justice Benjamin Kabiito ruled Lukwago as elected mayor, had power to initiate policy, with Musisi in place to implement them.  As if that was not bad enough, Justice Kabiito added, Musisi must always account to Lukwago, after doing his implementation brief.

The said court holding got Museveni boiling with rage, seeing his favourite Jennifer reduced to an employee of Lukwago. After a briefing from his legal aides that the position is how Justice Kabiito puts it, and confirming that Judge Kabiito was not a partisan, the President chose to employ other tricks on Lukwago.


Though Lukwago's Council has more NRM leaning councillors, Museveni had abandoned using them to impeach Lukwago. This is because he thought he had tamed the man through legally chopping his powers.

But since it is now  apparent the brilliant lawyer in Lukwago, managed to find loopholes in the very law, gaining more powers, sources in the know tell us, The President’s team has found it imperative and urgent, to follow back on his majority councillors, to boot Lukwago.


Inside sources told us Sevo is also using political means to cut back on Lukwago’s popularity. Under this venture, Musisi will go to Lukwago, pick policy and implement it.

As she does the work, sources told us, with Lukwago merely issuing policies in offices, Jennifer’s profile will inevitably go up, giving her (read government) all the credit as the financier of the projects.

“Since it’s Jennifer to go out and do work with Lukwago sitting in office, it will give the impression the Mayor is unnecessary, an extra baggage only picking big salaries for no work done,” the sources argue.

So when the government finally chooses to petition to take over Kampala, it will be easy to sail through, since government will have development to show as well as evidence that Lukwago is merely an idler at City Hall, but who still picks big dime that could have gone into development, sources opine.

And as Jennifer hops all over the place doing work, Press cameras will be shooting away and relaying the news all over the place. Journalists will also be at hand, to pick Jennifer’s work and relay it to the voters.

As this happens, Lukwago will be missing in action, giving Jennifer’s top boss a political mileage and Lukwago, a political extinction.


Alert that Lukwago won’t sit back, but try to move out of office and go out to the voters, to try make self-relevant, inside sources revealed, then security will come in to stop his ever poorly planned meetings. That will be on the excuse that the meetings are intended to create a breach of peace and disorganize smooth flow of business. Lukwago will then return to office, affording Jennifer the whole field to do development work while he is caged.

Lukwago said he was ready for Sevo's machinations. “I know am being targeted for asking hard accountability questions. I won't relent. Jenifer comes to me when he wants to appropriate money, so she must have the courtesy to take policy from me and come back to give accountability," a firm Lukwago insisted.



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