TENTERHOOKS: Irritated Museveni Finalizes Mega Plot to Politically Finish off Spoiler Rebecca Kadaga for Keeping in Parliament the Gang of Four Dismissed NRM Party Members

7th, May 2013
President Museveni is pondering on triming Kadaga (C)'s wings, left is her Deputy Oulanya

Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga is in trouble after it  emerged the NRM top hierarchy have finalized a mega plot to  politically finish her off once and for all, for ruling against the party which have grown her profile.   

Sources privy to the plot told us President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and other NRM gurus had forgiven Kadaga, after she mended her ways by ruling against the recall of Parliament to debate the controversial death of Cerinah Nebanda, former Butalejja woman MP.

Kadaga had before, made unfavorable decisions against her party, including memorable ones during the Oil debate. When the party leadership exerted pressure against her, so she could do the needful, Kadaga instead stepped out of her chair, leaving her deputy Jacob Oulanya to do what she regarded as NRM mafia bidding.

“The party chairman had let bygones be bygones after the woman appeared to have abandoned her belligerent attitude towards her own party. But by ruling against a party decision taken in her presence, going on to defiantly keep the four rebel MPs in parliament, Kadaga finally crossed the red line, our source said, adding that enough is enough and the President has chosen to rein over her stubbornness.

“In fact she is no better than the Ssekikubos.  They all took parallel lines against the official party line,” sources at Kyaddondo Plot 10 told us, while confirming the mega plot to politically do away with Kadaga.

The sources in fact told us President Museveni had received intelligence briefing pinning Kadaga as having busily consulted her friend and one time employee at her defunct law firm, MP Abdu Katuntu as well as retired Justice George William Kanyeihamba on what decision to take in the Ssekikubos’ case.

Kadaga did not help matters when she would later laugh off NRM’s move to appeal her ruling as a waste of court’s time. “When the President learnt about the betrayal, he chose not to waste more time. The President chose to take the battle to Kadaga’s Busoga home,” sources told us, in reference to the Shs250m and, a FUSO truck the President delivered to Kadaga constituents.

In delivering the pledges, the sources told us, Museveni wanted to appease Busoga people, more especially the youth ahead of 2016, so he could ride on their numbers to give numerical advantage, to a candidate NRM would support against Kadaga, thereby uprooting the matriarch.

Ever since the plot was hatched, our sources confided in us, NRM party Secretary General and Premier John Patrick Amama Mbabazi has been over the moon. “Kadaga’s latest stubbornness vindicates me. I have always told the party chairman that Kadaga is up to some mischief, but I have been understood to be fighting that woman. Now the cat is out of the bag for all to see,” Mbabazi is quoted as telling whoever party leader he comes across these days.

As if confirming the plot, MP Katuntu said it could not be for nothing that Museveni had taken interest in Busoga region. “It’s apparent something sinister is afoot. Forget about the talk that President Museveni is looking for votes ahead of 2016,” Katuntu commented.

It should be remembered that Kadaga stretched Museveni’s patience and anger during the Nebanda parliamentary recall debate, with the Speaker insisting on recalling the parliament to debate the cause of her death. Even when government hired a London pathologist, Kadaga doubted the resultant report which showed Nebanda had died of an overdose of drugs, insisting on recalling parliament to reopen the debate.   

Kadaga went on to tell mourners at Nebanda’s burial that she doubted the London report, prompting an angry Museveni to demand that the Speaker pay a visit to the CIID and tell her own version of the story.

Earlier, when several meetings between the President and Kadaga failed to come to fruition as regards putting off the recall of Parliament, President Museveni reportedly told Kadaga to her face that she would recall parliament over his dead body.

So prick the issue was, the President warned the irritated army were likely to pull off a coup.

Such has been the bad love-hate relationship between the President and Kadaga. It hence does not come as a surprise to critical observers, if the son of Kaguta has now cooked up a plot to finish off Kadaga, politically.


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