KANSIIME AGAINST ALL ODDS: When something is Amiss in my Life I End up Quarrelling with God and Normally I will break down. I also cry in my Sleep and Always Wake up with Tear Stains on my Cheeks!

7th, May 2013
I DO CRY IN SLEEP: Kansiime (R) in the interview with The Investigator's writer Allie

Born in 1986, the 27 year old comedian Anne Kansiime(AK) never imagined comedy would make her this popular or even take her all the places she has been to. While most of her friends got well-paying office jobs after university, Anne opted for her lifelong dream of being an entertainer. 

Seven years down the road, Anne is Uganda’s most successful female comedian with a daily TV show, MINI BUZZ which airs on NTV, an upcoming album release and several comedy shows in the UK and USA.  We talked to the vivacious comedian as she opened up about the man in her life and how being funny has transformed her life.

TI: Why did you choose to pursue comedy as a profession?

AK: I don’t think I chose comedy, it rather chose me! I always had very many friends while in school but later on, I realized that people loved being around me because I was interesting.  After every holiday break, all my friends looked forward to hearing my version of the movies yet we all used to watch the same stuff.

Ti: What was your first time on stage like?

AK:  I was nervous! I had to sing Lady Mariam’s hit Tindatiine and people were roaring with laughter. I thought they were laughing because there was something wrong with me and the whole time, I had to keep checking to make sure everything about me was ok. I must confess it took me a while to deal with my stage fright.

TI: You have just finished recording your first music album, is this, the usual celeb bandwagon of trying to do it?

AK:  Singing is something I always wanted to do.  After the named Kansiime advert, I realized that many kids loved the song and that is how the idea of my album was born! Just like I started in comedy where I was being paid 60k per month, this is not about the money; it is something I love to do. The album has typical kid’s songs about the rain, colors and rainbows.

TI: Most people do not take you seriously because of your child roles, why did you have to do a kids album to worsen the situation?

AK: (Laughs) First of all, I love kids. I believe in doing things with a purpose. I didn’t want to sing for the sake of it and decided to sing about something I am passionate about. I hope to become a mum sometime soon and I would love my kids to grow up with nice kids’ music to listen to. Kids today will be singing ‘Emesse’ which is not a proper way to bring up children.

TI: Talking of wanting kids, are you seeing anyone?

KA: I am seeing a very handsome Acholi guy called Gerald (not of the fun factory). I am very much in love with him and I recently met his parents which made our bond stronger. My folks have been hearing about him for a while and I am planning to take him to meet them sometime in July.

TI: Have you ever thought of what you want to do if you ever decide to leave comedy?

KA: Of course. By the time I have my third child; I want to have a day cay center where children are allowed to be proper kids just like the way we were brought up. I want them to be able to have a proper childhood and play ‘tappo,’ skip the rope and all those other games we played as children.

TI: What is the one thing people do not know about you?

KA: It might sound unbelievable but I am a very quiet person. People think I am talkative but if it was up to me, I’d be quiet most of the time.

TI: When was the last time you wetted the bed?

KA: I stopped wetting the bed at a very early stage so I don’t remember when I last did that but what I do remember is the feeling of peeing on the bed. I’d always have these dreams where I’d always leave my bed to ease myself only to realize in the morning that it was just a dream and I’d peed on my bed.

TI: When was the last time you cried?

KA: I am not a ‘crier’ but the last time I cried was during prayer. When something is amiss in my life, I end up quarrelling with God and normally I will break down. Also, I cry in my sleep, I always wake up with tear stains on my cheeks.

TI: What has been your most embarrassing moment?

KA: Back at campus I was dating a guy called Collin and we had a date at JAVAS Wandegeya. WIFI was the in-thing then and I sat outside the cafeteria. When Collin arrived, he asked me to go inside but I told him it was too hot. When he asked me why, I pointed to a poster that read ‘HOTSPOT”. Thankfully he thought I was just trying to be funny but I was so embarrassed.

TI: What is your greatest fear?

KA:  I am scared of not being funny or relevant. It would be meaningless if I didn’t make an impact in people’s lives. I want to hear an upcoming comedian say “Anne is my inspiration” or a little kid say “When I grow up, I want to be like Anne.” Without that, I think life would be meaningless.

TI: One for the road?

KA: Sure, let’s stop. I will have to run….




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