OFFICE MADNESS: I Always Thank God for Bringing around People I have been Dying to Lay Down Just Like in the Case of Dr. Joel Who Worked me up in My Back Office, a Surprise Yoriyori Game Worth Telling

7th, May 2013

I am not very good with coldness because of my sinus allergies and the weather right now is simply complicating my life. I whizz all day which has made it difficult for me to wear any of my boob flaunting ensembles.  I have a customer who is a doctor and he usually drops into my boutique every once in a while to do shopping for his 16 year old daughter.

We have become good friends to the point that when I bring in new items, I set some aside for his daughter Stacy. Anyway, on Friday evening Joel came by as always and he noticed me curled up in a corner. I told him my sinuses were acting up and he recommended a cup of lemon tea whenever I had difficulty breathing and I must share this with you, that little trick works wonders.

He asked if he could drop off some medicine the next day and I happily agreed. He promised to come by the boutique the following day at 2:30pm. Now, I had always looked up to Joel with utmost admiration because he was a single father who was doing a great job raising his daughter all by himself. 

The next day, I put on cashmere trousers, a t-shirt and a flattering jacket and headed to the boutique.  The store was pretty busy that day and Joel had to wait a little while as I attended to a few customers. I ushered him into my office and offered him a glass of whisky and promised to be with him in a few minutes.

The last person I had to attend to left after about 30 minutes and I joined Joel. I praised his lemon tea remedy as he continued to give me a lecture of the dos and don’ts to control my allergy. He gave me the tablets he had brought and can’t tell you how grateful I was. We talked a little as he told me about his daughter and how her mother had died tragically shortly after giving birth.

His was a sad story and he posed occasionally to wipe a tear or two. I handed him a box of wipes and thereafter he went on about how much he liked me and how he had wanted to ask me out for a very long time. I sat there very puzzled because I didn’t know how to respond to this very good pal of mine who was seriously asking me out.

To ease the tension in the room, I went to my liquor cabinet and pulled out the half empty bottle of whisky and poured us some. I gulped on it like a mad person because this was a situation I knew I couldn’t deal with sober.  Joel walked up to me and pulled a chair next to mine before taking my hands and clinging onto them like I was some sort of little god.

My mind was completely blank and when he kissed me, I didn’t know whether to push him away or reciprocate the gesture. I stayed motionless but I could feel his hands underneath my jacket and they finally landed on my boobs.  It was cold and the whisky had made me a little horny leaving me with absolutely no strength to push him away.

Joel in the meantime he was pressing closer into me and finally managed to take off my jacket. I quickly removed my t-shirt and he went for my already rock hard nipples almost immediately.  His tongue worked my nipple lightly and he teased the tender skin around it with his teeth as a gasp escaped my mouth.

I looked at his crotch and noticed that it had gotten considerably bigger. At that instant, I remembered that the door was not locked and anyone could have walked in on us. I pushed him away and walked towards the door. Thinking that I was leaving, Joel followed me quickly and as soon as I had securely bolted the door, he turned me around almost hitting the back of my head against the door.

I struggled out of my jeans as he kicked off his trousers. The good doctor then bent down and pulled a pack of condoms from his back pocket. He dressed his wire and lifted me up with both arms.  I am not a very light girl but I guess that is the power of a horny man. I was clutching at the door knob for dear life as Joel pushed his hard wire into my very bready pot.

His groans were almost louder than my moaning and I had to cover his mouth from time to time. He was making shorter strokes alongside of my labia. I looked down and saw him sliding in and out of me which made me even wetter. My moans were becoming louder as Joel continued to thrust in and out just as I was about to cum, he pulled out of me.

He let go of me and if I hadn’t been holding onto the knob, I’d have landed on my bare ass. Joel collapsed at my feet shaking uncontrollably. Needless to say, the next few minutes were a bit uncomfortable but we managed to get out of that office and we only hoped we hadn’t made so much noise and banging to distract my clients and staff.

Till Thursday, stay naughty not guilty. Always Bad Angel.



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