GO HUNG BUT A’M HOOKED 4 GOOD: Sex-Oozing Club Guvnor Image Controller Pherrie Kimbugwe Swears, her Heart now and Forever will keep Deposited with New Catch, Mr. Lubs

14th, March 2013
LOVELY COUPLE: Pherrie and Mr. Lubs

She is arguably a down to earth, very professional and romantically sophisticated young lady. She has been in the news for several reasons of late and to a certain point, it is insinuated that soupy Pherrie Kimbugwe (PhK), the Guvnor Club mouthpiece, has lately had her current relationship landing on a rocky surface.

This morning, our social pages guru Jacko David Waluluka (JDW) cast his net around her and pried on her vide a deep-thought facebook inbox chat. And yes, it worked as she ‘offered’ an unintended interview. Hey guys with restless pants, we are afraid to announce that the beauty has long, for real been grabbed by the US Marine dude, her new-catch Abdul Lubwama aka Mr.Lubs. Please don’t tell her you saw this, for as we said, she didn’t intend it.

The slightly corrected excerpts:

JDW: Hi dear

PhK: hello WDJ

JWD: Kekeke it’s been long you’re good!

PHK: I am well, thank u. U?

JDW: Me too just going to be natural. What's going down this weekend?

PhK: Great. Old School Night

JDW: I'm going to be there

PhK: Cool.... but you guys (journalists) f***d me up. Don’t know what your writers’ intentions were...but it’s cool, I hold no hate in my heart...forgave en moved on. Tell them.

JDW: I will my dear you know my drill, forget about the writers, sometimes ‘we’ just imagine and pen down. Just speak easy and be you

PhK: Thanks WDJ. God bless you. I would appreciate it more if they or even you who are my friends first made an effort to verify whatever is to be written. Coz 99% of it was sheer malice coz it was so false. Eh.

JDW: Sorry dear. Check out investigator. co.ug

PhK: Oh gosh.... why? Is there more stuff? I’ve completely stopped reading gossip things..

JDW: Hmmmmmm

PhK: See the thing is that, some writers just don’t realize the damage they may cause in someone’s life... imagine my fb profile pix and the cover pix clearly show who my husband is, what he does for a living....but instead they go and associate him to a Middle East country that his country (of work) is not ally with, and is actually at war with coz its considered a terrorist country. Like, how do you associate a US army officer with a country that is continually suicide bombing US forces? And moreover it’s his home country Uganda associating him to an enemy country?? Honestly this is just jeopardizing the guy’s job, let alone his life...it’s too bad.

JDW: Oh sorry, true it sounds tricky

PhK: See? If his superiors even for one second got a wind of it, he would be sat out en seriously investigated...just coz of one mere writer who didn’t bother to do his research before he put pen to paper. But we leave it all to God and pray we can leave it all behind us without it causing any hiccups to him as an American US military officer. So is life...even at your highest high...someone’s gotta try to bring u down.  Take care. God bless us all.

JDW: Jeez, so u married him?

PhK: Soon to be Mrs. Lubs. But do u get my point Jacko? Do u see how sensitive it is?

JDW: Yes my dear let me hope that this time round it is real with your new dude, unlike last time?

PhK: It doesn’t get more real than this dude. A done deal, I’m taken. No ifs, buts or whys...this is it.

JDW: Hmm you said the same last time......my dear?

PhK: I’ve never said yes to any marriage proposal or ever taken or even considered ever taking anyone home to meet my parents or my family...I waited en never did it before coz I wanted to be sure...finally I’m sure. This is it. Believe it or not, this is it.

JDW: Congs my dear will catch you tomorrow, but how did you meet, If I may ask?

PhK: This is someone who has been around for years, since my college days in the states before any of u here ever even knew me. Patiently he watched en lingered in the background knowing exactly what he wanted....me not knowing en just seeing him as a friend. About a year n half back, he finally poured his heart out....en proposed early this year....the rest is history

JDW: Hehehee, by the way, I left my place of work you know. I am now with the investigator.co.ug though, catch you tomorrow.

PhK: Sure D. entrance on me will put David Jako+4. Is that ok? You gotta be there before midnight. See you then.





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