EAC UPDATES: Private Sector Consultative Meeting on Movement of Services’ Suppliers in the Region Set for DAR

14th, March 2013
TO OFFICIATE: Ambassador Dr. Richard Sezibera

The Secretary General of the East African Community, Ambassador Dr. Richard Sezibera is expected to officiate at the closing session of Regional Private Sector Consultative meeting on movement of Service Suppliers taking place from 20 to 22 March 2012, at the New Africa Hotel, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The main objective of the consultative meeting is to help the private sector understand the issues concerning movement of services suppliers under the Common Market Protocol and determine whether the regime is sufficient.

The meeting further aims to sensitize and inform service operators about services integration in the EAC and the possibilities of making the integration process meaningful to their businesses through improvements to their ability to move key personnel around EAC markets.

The private sector will also use the meeting to present a position paper to the EAC Secretariat. The private sector position paper will outline key issues and recommendations to EAC policy makers on the issue of movement of services suppliers.

About 100 participants from private sector firms and associations active in the area of trade in services, select researchers and practitioners on trade in services and representatives from development partners are expected to attend the meeting which has been organized by the East African Business Council (EABC) through the East African Professional Services Platform (EAPSP).



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