CRIME INEXCUSABLE: Top City Engineer and IT Practitioner Ssemaganda is Sent Back to Luzira Coolers for Inflicting Aggravated Sodomy on his Neighbor’s 14 Months Old Toddler

INSENSTIVE: Ssemaganda poses with his victim

Kira Grade one Magistrate’s Court yesterday sent back on remand, city IT expert Eng. Roy Ssemaganda who is strongly alleged to have sodomized his neighbor’s 14 months’ old baby.  

Appearing for the second time since Tuesday last week, Ssemaganda is accused by the toddler’s mom Sarah Namugga, his neighbor in Kireka, also Wakiso District Councilor. A renowned gay, a practice which bears testimonies from neighbors and his landlord, Ssemaganda allegedly committed the offence on January 16th 2013 at his home in Kireka.  

Namugga, who was with her abused kid in Court, recorded that on the fateful day, she returned home to find the baby (names withheld) terribly crying and in pain, a situation her maid could not account for. The maid instead said, the boy had just been returned by Ssemaganda, also a known friend of the baby he always showers with chocolates, yoghurt and sweets.

Having had a clue about Ssemaganda’s habits, Namugga picked the boy and checked him, only to prove her curiosity. The boys pampers were soiled with stool and blood, with a clear view of penetration. “I rushed him to the nearby clinic, from where he received treatment. Namugga returned home to confront Ssemaganda whose arrest was immediately effected.

He was then rushed to the police surgeon whose preliminary report confirmed that Ssemaganda’s manhood had just been into active practice. He was detained at Kireka and his house searched. On his laptop screen saver was him seated with his alleged victim. And a quick check of the contents in it unveiled him kissing and mounting different men, plus pictures of several gays doing their favorite vice.

Police Games

Namugga says she started following the case but sensed some elements in police had been heavily compromised. To start with, the surgeon’s report had changed to negative and, she was informed by the insider sympathizer that the evidence on the computer had been deleted. This was after Ssemaganda’s four lawyers had visited him and reportedly got their hands on the exhibited laptop.  

Growing frustrated by day, Namugga rushed to Pastor Martin Ssempa, a renowned anti-sodomy activist who took her to Nakasero-based AMPCAN (African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect) where she lodged her plight. Ssempa also took her to Police’s Bukoto-premised Professional Standards Unit (PSU) and lastly to Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP), Martin Ochola.

“Combined efforts saw Ssemaganda produced to Court and remanded. But to-date, prosecution pleads for more time, claiming investigations are still underway. True, some evidence was deleted but thank God, there were more pictures elsewhere,” Ssempa told us this afternoon. In the same breadth, Namugga accuses police for compromising the case. “Only that the law requires them to handle the case but they are heavily compromised,” said the District legislator.  

Who Is Ssemaganda

A resident of Kireka ‘A’ zone, Roy Ssemaganda is an IT Engineer and a total orphan aged 24 years, according to his statement. He is generally known to be Homo and is said to have a ‘boyfriend’ called Douglas on whom, neighbors confirm, cheats with several other men he always drags in her room. “He brings different boys everyday and they lock themselves in his room for hours,” a neighbor offered on anonymous condition.       

His parents died when he was 8 years and through guardians, joined a single-sex school in Masaka where it is widely believed, he caught the sodomy virus. His landlord intimates that Roy is a ‘famous’ gay who attracts many guys’ visits.

It is generally believed that Roy belongs to the Ice Breakers, a renowned gay organization founded years ago by the now repentant George Owundo. In his phone in-box are messages from two boys, a one Ivan and Hash. Most of the messages are vulgar, full of ‘F’ words. “F***k me pliz,” one of Ivan’s message reads.

The Fate

Ugandan laws register Homosexuality as a crime. And the famous but controversial Private Member’s Bill filed by Ndorwa East MP David Bahati, suggests a sentence not less than death, in aggravated cases such as Roy’s.    




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