SEX-INSECURITY: Serially Cheated-on Ivan Turn Guns On Journalist and Escapes Justice as Zari and Funs Release Verbal Artilleries to Casanova Lugudde Over His Kiss And Tell Interview

11th, March 2013
TROUBLED: Zari and Ivan

All is not well with showy Ivan Ssemwanga, lover of the widely known bed-hopping Zari Hassan. The love-insecure dude has been dragged to police by a senior social journalist, Claude Muhigirwa whom, he walloped over talking to his unstable wife. 

Recorded vide police file number SD 09/09/13 of Jinja Road Police Station, the assault case stems from an incident on Friday in Club Silk Oxygen Lounge. It all started when, Zari left their corner and walked over to Muhigirwa who was sitting at the counter. She hugged and greeted him, shortly before Ivan came from the rare, tapped on Muhigirwa and on turning; the fellow got the grandmother of all slaps landing on his face.    

Chaos started as Ivan’s bodyguards turned the place a battle field, shielding their boss from Muhigirwa’s pals, a number of the got minor injuries as Ivan and Zari fled the Club at about 5am. Ivan, who just left the Country for South Africa a few minutes ago, is said to be heavily insecure with Zari whom he believes, is slowly becoming a real man-eater.

Police tells us that Muhigirwa has been sent for a medical test from where; he is expected to present witnesses before Ivan can be summoned. We have further learnt that the quite strapped couple, whose low note entrance in the country last week we reported in these lines, was destined for another mystery tycoon, Jamiru Ssentongo’s introduction ceremony in Masaka.

They had threatened to go to the function via a private chattered chopper, a promise that never materialized. Ivan, who has left his lover behind, is said to be heavily haunted by the LK4 Tattoo on Zari’s torso. The tattoo represents none other than Isaac Lugudde initials. The BBA aspirant and basketball ace, Lugudde recently stung Ivan in a sensational kiss-and-tell interview with The Investigator. The interview attracted both Zari and Lugudde’s exchange before her sympathizers jetted in.   

Team Zari to Lugudde: You’re a Fool Who Deserves Death

Meanwhile, after the interview in which Lugudde undressed Zari as a tigress in bed though 445th of the several sour and sweet babes he has laid, Zari hit back thus; “The only people worthy to be in your life are the ones that help you through hard times, and laugh with you after the hard times pass,” she went on to accuse Lugudde of giving her number to the pries and named him ‘attention seeker,’ hence attracting a shot back.

Lugudde responded with a killer one; “Nobody ever trashed u or did anyone mention ur name apart from if we talk and that’s a no! Nor did I give out ur number! Attention seeker? Plz, nobody is the Boss like u in that department! Ur a drama Queen n brother can careless! By now if you don’t know journalists spin stories, then ur mad and don’t know the industry! I’ve been silent letting u thro shots, but now ur crossing the line! Sell ur rented Lambo 2 buy class.”

After his post, we privately confronted Lugudde and stood our stance that he said whatever we ran. This prompted him to pull down the post and hit back to Zari, again; “I removed the post because u know what, I'm better than that n won't waste my time on that subject! I don't nor will I disrespect you! I am better n my fb peoples deserve better! I once had kind words of endearment n I will remain on that positive note! But don't let the media or spinner journalist stories take u out of character! Take care n focus on ur family. I'm doing me! Peace LK4.”

Zari Funs Sets In     

The icing on the cake was when Ugandans, mostly in the Diaspora reacted on our facebook and others like that of celebrated socialite Kakensa Henry Ndugwa. Most of them felt pity most for Zari while others blamed her for what they termed; ‘dancing’ the poor Lugudde. The unedited responses, though some of them are in Luganda, and for the reason of not distorting or tempering with their flavor, are here bellow, reproduced.

: He's havin a jelly ass cos they dumped him. What kind of man would make such an interview? — with and .Top of Form

Hihihi kikazi

: Alegaki dental embi...Oyogera otya kumukazi gwewebakako?.....Agasajja agamu gagala bampaane ebitajja!...mmmmsssssttrrrwwcchheewww!!.....

: Lol not amused.

: I am Lost for words! Mumbejja, sirika

He even has that time for saying things which are not developmental to him instead of concentrating on future.


He's a total bitch, why air all this unnecessary information. It also shows that he still wants Zari ela I feel sorry for his girlfriend being with this waste man. Mbu 452 women, a real man keeps his gob shut

Ono naye atulimba bulimbi,ebyo mbiganye tebiliyo.

tebinyumide bino sagala musajja yesoma ngamaze okwebaka nomukazi naye bo balowooza they r too perfect? lwakuba we dnt brag lyk dem naye nabo temuli nyoxs mssstttww

killing is the list I can ever chose to, but if i happen to find this fool proud of his sinful acts exposing his nasty life, with a gun on my five, sure i would make no mistake but shoot it right in the head. Uganda this is not who we are, we should not be proud of such fools, not celebrate them, let’s not give them attention. dont people really think one day will be before the creator? We all do sin but we do not go public with it. So so saddened by r
the rate Uganda is decaying. What does the ministry of ethics and integrity do in Uganda? This fool should be behind bars. So so sad such fools are celebrated. Sorry for zari. But at the end of the day, the pure are for the pure ones so Cynthia and Zari know where they fall. You go tell people you have had as many as that. abazaala tulabye. bwenzala ekyo njokya kyokye

Kwegamba agezaako tugamba nti Ivan tamatizza Zari? Wabula Zari mwana muwala wayiwa obuyinja to dance that ka guy! I hope u learned yo lesson; once u sleep with dogs, u will definitely leave with fleas!!!

Damn Didi, I know the dude is a douche bag for giving that silly interview, but that's too much anger ur expressing, as a proud mom, tht would not get me that angry. Does he deserve a spanking for his foul mouth? Like hell he does. Not death. Wow

Naye tooto ono alina amatalisi manji nyoooo!!

Oliver Spencer wanji mama siwulidde.....

i think this was made up by Zari's haters...wabula pple can HATE

lol simply shameful... Truly disappointing but does he care?......I think not

akakyi kotawulidde Maama?

Caroline, such fools have got many of our young generations ruined, many boys young ones, will follow such a fool, and what do you think we make of such fools in the generation, that’s not who we are as Ugandans. if i was one of the concerned people, a fool like him would not walk free again. And what is big brother really except a house of fools so no wonder that fools has to show that nasty life to be part of the house. i think a God fearing nation should not have its children down there.

Who is this idiot for a start? This man is a maniac!!!

WoW... Wat. A "D" he's got lol 445 hope this is not true! Lol

Not that i have ever had any but i have lost all respect for him. We African men don’t kiss and tell!! What if all his past girlfriends come out and say yali tamalako. These are the boys I used to see in the play ground saying they have done this and that with so and so and she is like this, am fuming.

Olivia agambye mbu Zari danced the ka guy! Hehe,,Lugudde for sure yo fake at yo own game coz a sensible man can't say shit in public. Damn it!!!

Mbadde nsazeewo okusirika naye kambuzeeyo kano ono Lugudde nabakazi beyakolanga nabo just a hand shake nabo ababaze nga beyabedddinga? Kubanga maama 450+ ! Alinga agamba nti abadde ku ekyo kyokka since he was a year old!

Ha ha bravo!

eeh bwagambye hahahah kanyumide ako wabula

But really nokera nowasa omukazzi nakuletera ebizibu nga ebyo, Ivan simusajja, wabula kisajja sajja, oyo mba sikyayagala gwe ate mama tuba twakaterela nkusonyiye nga kino ekisisiru ki luwedde kyasama. i think ivan and zari hardly have a happy marriage, used your friends, wife, keep it to yourself,

Naye ate Zari okuretaliating tebijja...Nze I would just ignore that Lugudde boy nesimuwa time yadde...Ate ne stoole eno nzizeemu ojisoma nendaba nga eri false mu....

u dont dump adog in public otherwise u get the bite n the end.....Zari yekanaluzala......

a bad worker man blames his tools. Kom***na

Kwegamba buli muwala gwaba naye shame.

afool is afool whether he goes 2 school o not

It's like this story has hurt all women MORE than the MEN...!!! as if they r all in the 452 number

was this a FULL time or OVER time numbering? What was his dancing terms and conditions? Your stupidity is beyond measure.

Adolescent stage just

Ths woman is a disgrace bt if ths story were true and i doubt it is, Lugudde nds a brain exam lol

light travels faster than sound.Thats y most pple look bright be4 they speak.Lugudde oli musajja musiru nyo nyo.

I dnt knw who ths guy is bt thts nt ryt, 452 cnt be his tally mpozi nga nebeyakwata nga mungalo ababala- tl

@ Timlove; I'ts possible i can't doubt dat no.;if at all he has dime, trust me it's possible. Those guys are damn notorious

Ebyo munju tebitotolwa.embwa eyo

if what this guy says is true he should be checked kubanga idont think semusajja is still on its original size must extra smaller now. all those women??????

Supposing all this junk i just read was truly from lugudde's mouth and i was this Cynthia woman, i would dump the fool immediately

there is this ka song I heard on radio. If I had a dollar with every woman I made love with I would be rich. Naye ne musajja munanmwe oyo neda.

Full of crap...

Lawrence, I dnt believe tht guy, he's jus bragging just like most galz do. Theaz no guy who has time to count all the gals he sleeps with- tl

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage. mumu sonyiwe he cann't manage his tongue.


naye kale oyo lugudde alinga amasira ge mbizzi

kale oyo luggude alinga amasira ge mana yebbizi

Muzeyi Lugudde,u r a LOOSER!

Loose mouth....

Maturity is a state of being!!

alabika alina kyebayita olutwe.

Obusajja obuli cheap bwebutyo he has got nothing to say coz he is a looser and he is jealous about Zari's relationship with Ivan

male kapa, he has looks but no brains! running his mouth all over the place... mwwweeeeest! i hope he was tagged alabe ebivumo

indeed,maturity n age differ.

Disgusting nd immature for a man and I mean A REAL MAN to say such things! Total disrespect!!



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