POLICE ON IRYN NAMUBIRU: We are Sorry but Our Hands Are Tied and not in Position to Help Her Because She is currently a French National but Whatever Happens, We Shall Not Let Her Suffer Alone…

10th, May 2013
NOT SURE: Kasingye (inset) says police hands are tied

Following rumours this afternoon that the detained singer Iryn Namubiru has been allegedly sentenced to eight years by Japanese authorities, we called Uganda’s Interpol boss AIGP Asan Kasingye. Whereas he temporarily refuted the allegations, he wasn’t committal on it.

As if that was not enough to raise our blood pressure, the soft spoken top Cop confessed that Uganda Police efforts to help out have proved futile. This is simply because Japanese authorities have ruled out Namubiru’s ‘claim’ to be Ugandan but a French national. Read on.

IT: Sir, there are disturbing info that Iryn Namubiru has been sentenced to eight years, are you aware?

AK: Honestly I am not aware. I left office at 5:30Pm and she was still at Chiba Police Station. I think by that time Courts are closed but because of the time difference, I can’t entirely say no.  

TI: That sounds scary?

AK: I know but what we need to know is that the offence was committed in Japan. And it is of trans-national organised crime nature. Sorry to say but our efforts to help her have hit a dead end because Japan has put it clear that she is not Ugandan but French because she was carrying a French passport.

TI: U mean there is not a single ray of hope?

AK: My friend, the main work of Interpol is to fight drug trafficking. It is not therefore a good gesture for Interpol Uganda to run up and down, trying to help our national who is accused of committing an offence that we are meant to fight. But this can be done on a diplomatic level and that is through Foreign Affairs and I think some people are following that route.  

TI: So, in otherwords police here is beaten hands down?

AK: Not real. In fact let me tell you this and I want to be quoted properly. I have heard rumours that Iryn Namubiru has been known to deal in drugs and that police here was trailing her. I want to categorically state that many of us were simply shocked. We don’t have her name in any of our data banks and whatever happens to her, we shall not let her suffer alone.   

TI: You mean you know very well she is not alone?

KA: What we gather is that she claims the drugs were planted in her luggage and we have no authority to ignore her statement. Much as she should have taken pre-cautionary measures, it doesn’t stop us to investigate which people are involved. Whether her managers or promoters, we shall bring them to book. She won’t suffer alone.

TI: How are you going to handle that?

KA: Investigations are underway. Whatever happens to her won’t halt our investigations and whoever was involved must be brought to book. We are serious on this.

TI: Good luck ‘Afande.’ It’s our prayer that you keep the promise

KA: Thank you…  indeed we shall.


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