DEFORESTRATION ERR: Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green Guru Joseph Masembe Riled by the Felling of 80 Year Old Trees near Botanical Beach Entebbe, Attacks Municipal Council for the Unforgivable Anomaly

26th, June 2013

Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green boss, Joseph Masembe earlier today attacked Entebbe Municipal council workers who were felling down trees as old as 80 years near the Ssese Gate way beach along Entebbe road.

However the self-made conservationist who has been on a country tour in schools advocating for the re- planting of trees was taken aback when workers turned their saws on him and threatened to send him to an early grave if he did not excuse himself from the site.

We can confirm that on realizing that he was in danger, Masembe drove off at break-neck speed with the workers heckling him and later, tried to get in touch with the council offices over the matter to no avail.

The belt where the vintage trees are being felled has been one of the richest green catchments in the area and is home to several rare bird species, bats, Velvet monkeys, butterflies among other endangered varieties of flora and fauna.

Contacted a few minutes ago over the incident, an angry Masembe said that he will not watch while his efforts to reforest Uganda are being over looked. “I witnessed this monstrous atrocity. What used to be the hallmark of Entebbe’s beauty is almost history. That group of lumberjacks  alleged  that they had permission from NFA, on the advice of the Presidential advisor on the environment who they claimed is  Patience Mubangizi. They even said the Mayor and the entire Municipal Council caved in and signed the death knell on this,’’ he cried.



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