A MUST-SEE PAIR: Jose Chameleon to Battle it Out with Songbird Juliana Kanyomozi at Club Rouge Anniversary Bash as Kenyan Joe De-balls Deejays Roger and Momo

28th, February 2013

We can exclusively confirm that singers   ‘Dr.’ Jose Chameleon  and sexy diva, Princess Juliana Kanyomozi will after a very long time share the same stage at the forth coming Club Rouge’s anniversary party that is slated for the 9th of March .

Our pries have heard that only about one hundred and fifty guests will be invited to the event on the house contrary to what the events boss of the club Gareth Onyango had recently posted on both his Facebook page and that of the club.  This now means that the rest will have to buy their way into the club to celebrate with the selected few at 30k tag with only a single glass of champagne.

As we still try to sniff into how much the music icons were paid, another fact is that the Club management has arranged to host Joe Flame a famous Kenyan Dj who, will obviously  render the in- house counterparts Roger and Momo, very useless through the night.


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