POLICE TO M7: Without Bigirimaana As An Accomplice, Kazinda Is An Angel And The Entire OPM Case Is As Good As Dead, Mr. President

18th, February 2013

As investigations into the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)’ smelly fraud nears end, the police have made it clear to President Museveni that the absence of Permanent Secretary Pius Bigirimaana on the charge sheet would render the entire Shs50bn case bogus, The Investigator steadily reports.  

We can impeccably report that Inspector General of Police (IGP) Lt. Gen Kale Kayihura and his assistant for Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Directorate (CIID) Grace Akullo, late last month lectured the person of the President about how the case would be a success, only if the troubled PS is considered an accomplice and or prime suspect.

Tuesday last week in these lines, we reported how President Museveni had called Bigirimaana and directed him to heed to police desire to have him grilled over the several counts through which, a staggering Shs50bn was swindled under his nose. We further revealed that Museveni in the same breadth Okayed police to proceed with the planned interrogation of the man who claims to be the Whistle Blower (WB) of the entire case.

We can now, further report that the mid-afternoon meeting at Entebbe based State House on 30th January 2013, was summoned by the President and he called Bigirimaana in the presence of Kayihura and Akullo who, had earlier explained how the PS had become a hard nut to crack, yet his statements were vital if any conviction is to be secured.

The Meeting

We have ably gathered that Sevo summoned Kayihura and Akullo, after Bigirimaana had complained to him that police was on his case, instead of finding ways of pinning only Geoffrey Kazinda, the interdicted, jailed Principle Accountant at OPM.

“He (Bigirimaana) says he can’t understand what you want from him. In fact he says even these other people you’re implicating are simply victims of Kazinda’s naughty acts. I am not trying to influence and or direct the investigations but only I want to know the truth,” our source who attended the meeting quoted President Museveni as telling the police bosses.

At this moment, Kayihura turned to Akullo and beckoned her to explain. Upon clearing her voice, Akullo stood and saluted the CiC of the armed forces before the latter gestured her to brief him while seated. “Your Excellency,” Akullo, also the chief Investigating Officer (IO) of the case in question, started before Sevo interjected for reassurance, “I am not sided but I want to know the truth so that I get the position very clear.” 

“Yes sir, thank you Your Excellency. But like he (Bigirimaana) says he doesn’t know what we want from him, we equally don’t know why he wants all the fraud cases committed in his office to die in our drawers because of his defiance. To start with Sir, I don’t want the PS as a suspect, but he has to give us statements, explaining how the fraud was committed. He, for heavens’ sake is the Chief Accounting Officer whose statement on every file we are handling, is inevitable,” she said.

She momentarily posed before Sevo nodded her on, “This case stands to fail if Mr. PS maintains the status quo (read defiance). What we need from him is not personal but official. But I must tell you Mr. President, I have personally went through a lot of intimidation, some media houses have been convinced to spoil my name and compromise of my personal security is growing by day. What Mr. PS ought to do is give us the required statements and the DPP (Director for Public Prosecution) will advise accordingly. He need to know that it’s not me but the DPP to name him a suspect,” our source quoted Akullo briefing the President who, kept nodding in agreement.

“But why should they threaten you? If he believes he doesn’t have a case, why not explain through the statements you require from him and wait for the DPP. Anyway, do your work. Let me direct him to cooperate,” the President reportedly cut Akullo short before he asked for further briefing on other cases like the Public Service scum and others. 

Life Threats

Akullo is said to have elaborated to the President that the continued soiling of her name in the media sections and other anonymous reports, was a sign that something ‘big and dangerous’ was looming. “I professionally handle all the cases but when people start getting personal, then it make me consider to drop the cases and go home,” Akullo started before interrupted by the top boss.

He reportedly retorted; “Don’t worry about that. Stopping the cases is something you must not even think of. I am aware of some mafias who are trying to take advantage of the whole situation but you are protected. No one should threaten you,” the President is quoted by our State House sources close to him.

Indeed, the environment surrounding Grace Akullo, the no-nonsense chief spy behind the lately tough fraud investigations in several ministries, government departments, Banks and against powerful individuals, indicates that her security is greatly threatened. Our binoculars have severally zoomed her, sandwiched by two mean-looking, chubby Cops drawn from Counterterrorism section backed by plain-clothed guards in a reasonable distance.

More so, regular visitors at the Kibuli based CIID Headquarters will concur that the security at all entrances, is not that tight. However, on reaching the ‘White House,’ as Akullo’s office is popularly known, access is as hard as an incorrupt person getting a fat position in Ugandan public service. The lucky ones are thoroughly checked and when it comes to enter her office, phones, watches, necklaces, cameras and stuff are prohibited. Watch this space for developing stories....  





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