HORN’RIFFIC: Why Would Any Man Cheat on These Beautiful, Intelligent And Endowed Women? Their Ever Horny Men have Shagged Away on them Anyway…

25th, February 2013
Zari and Cynthia have been severally cheated on

You can call it an old story which you have heard times and again. But we still grumble about it. Why should men of these beauties go astray! Read on.  

Dr. Specioza Wandera Kagimu

When we talk of a full woman who is intelligent, wealthy, and beautiful, Dr. Specioza Wandera is no exceptional. She was the first woman in Africa to hold the position of vice president in a sovereign nation (Uganda). With such a wife at home, one wonders why Ex-husband Eng. Charles Kazibwe would look at other women and not be content. Unlike other Ugandan women who have been cheated on but remained in their marriages/relationships, Dr. Specioza refused to be a victim of the same and therefore filed for a divorce. From what we hear, she’s now happily married to moneybags Habib Kagimu.

Sarah Kizito

Central Division Mayor Godfrey Nyakana could not be contented with the beautiful, intelligent and wealthy wife Sarah Kizito. He has cheated on her with different Kampala babes. We don’t know how this responsible lady puts up with such a character, but she does anyway.

Juliana Kanyomozi

One would think that having a woman like Princess Juliana Kanyomozi in your life, is a dream come true. But according to Amon Lukwago, father to her son Keron Kabugo, it was hard for him to be content with the beautiful, talented and first female PAM Awards’ songbird of the year Award winner. He cheated on her until the Tooro Princess moved out on him and is now happily living with her son.

Mariam Ndagire

She is a special beautiful and talented woman with a very big heart but while in a relationship with John Segawa, she was cheated on with Ruth Wanyana and several others.

Barbara Itungo

Bobi wine may have cheated on Barbie in the past with a lady commonly known as Safina Mubiru who lives in the UK and we pray that this does not happen again coz Barbie is a very beautiful and intelligent woman who has loved Bobi Wine through thick and thin. We doubt he can get any woman who can match up to her. 


Zuena Kirema

Bebe cool screwed up badly to the extent that Zuena had to leave her marital home regardless to the Luganda saying that “abakazzi Abafumbo baguma”. This was due to the allegations that Bebe Cool had a secret affair. Beautiful as she is, any man would be blessed to have her.

Daniela Atim

When Chameleon’s relationship with Dorotia ended and he met Daniela, the beautiful and down to earth African woman, we were prone to think that the Chameleon will never look at any other woman but I think we over-estimated him. It’s said that he has secretly had an affair with a lady only known as Nahila.

Natasha Sinayobye

This woman is what we call beautifully and wonderfully made; she is so gorgeous, talented and lovely which you will not find in just any woman and this leaves a number of men dying to be in Michael Kasaija’s shoes. If just to spend their entire lives with her, and considering the fact that Michael had guts to cheat on her with the former Blu*3 Mya…. Oh what a shame!

Sharon Salmon

We know Ronnie Mulindwa isthe owner of the obsession group but that didn’t give him the right to cheat on the beautiful and talented girlfriend, Sharon Salmon with co-dancer Helen Lukoma. Ronnie should be very lucky that Sharon is still in the relationship because this lady has all it takes to get a man of her choice.

Zari Hussein

Having landed a hot and pretty lady like Zari, we thought Ivan Ssentongo had no complaints especially after the flashy Introduction ceremony (Kwanjula).  He splashed loads and loads of money to prove his potential buthardly did we know that Ivan was cheating on Zari with her friend Nickita. Much as she was cheated on, Zari could not stay lonely…….but this is a story for another day.

Now our readers have started mumbling mbu we haven’t exhausted the list. Well, this is just the first step into a long journey we are going to take you through the cheating lives of our celebrities. Cynthia,… we are coming.  

A blessed week people & stay faithful as our pries rove around for more.







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Nam angels arafat

Ndawula >ogambye otya _hahahaha


Gundi oli u ve left out....lol

amazing site

IOliOE A big thank you for your blog post.Really thank you! Will read on...