SHAMELESS MOVE UNBELIEVABLE: Tycoon John Sebalamu is cited in an Ugly Plot to Swindle Shs900m from Mzee Simwogerere who sold Him the Magnificent Freedom City Plaza Land

30th, April 2013
UNFAIR: Ssebalamu and his Freedom City Plaza, partly premised on the contested land

Tycoon John Ssebalamu, a city businessman, property mogul and owner of the magnificent Freedom City shopping Plaza, has been exposed as a callous cheat who convinced an old man to sell him land before he bolted without paying Ushs900m.

Nuhu Kinene Simwogerere now regrets the day, 4th October 2012 when, he agreed to sell his Namasuba-premised piece of land to Sebalamu. Comprised in LRV991, Folio 25, Plot 367, Block 273, the land measures 0.258 hectares and it forms part of the piece onto which, stands the splendid Freedom City Plaza.

According to the sale agreement papers drafted by Birungi and Company Advocates that we chanced a perusal, Simwogerere agreed to sell the land to Ssebalamu at Ushs1, 250, 000,000. He made a part payment of Shs300m on 15th November 2012. The tycoon undertook to pay the balance by February 28th this year.

As it has turned out however, the tycoon paid the Ushs300m deposit to merely trick Simwogerere into parting with his title. With the title safely in his hands, Ssebalamu got the land transferred into his names, developed it and forgot all about poor Simwogerere!

The dismayed Mzee has since waited, hunted for Ssebalamu for payment, but the tycoon has proved too elusive for him to catch. To get what rightly belongs to him, Simwogerere has instructed city lawyers Ssemuyaba, Iga and Company Advocates who have dragged Ssebalamu to the Commercial Section of the High Court, demanding payment.

Efforts to reach Ssebalamu for the other side of the coin story were futile as his own mobile numbers were switched off. We shall keep you posted about the developments as they unfold.


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